Friday, December 13, 2013

The best part of knowing the future...

Have you ever wondered 

what it would be like to know the future?

Aside from this blog and Tuesdays Prophet, we all have the ability to predict the future.  You are probably sitting at a computer or looking at your mobile device while you are reading this blog post, right?

That was prediction number 1.

Pretty simple, right?  There aren't too many people who print out blog articles before they read them offline and probably anyone could have made prediction number 1.

How much time have you "set aside" to read this blog post?  I predict that you have just enough time to read the blog post and that you won't let yourself be interrupted.  Why?  Because that is what most people do.

That is prediction number 2.

Did you let yourself get interrupted before reading this line?  No, I didn't think so.  If you did, the odds are that you would not have gotten to read this line because once someone is interrupted, they rarely come back.  If something wasn't good enough to hold your attention, why come back?

Now that we are delving deeper into the blog article you are probably looking for some sort of BIG PREDICTION.  That will be later ... and it will apply specifically to YOU.

Right now, I predict that you are starting to wonder why you are reading this article and maybe there won't be a "big payoff" after all.  Gee, do you think?

Prediction number 3, check.

What's left?  You are still breathing. (Too easy.)  You have not fell asleep.  (Also too easy.)  How about the fact that in the time that you have been reading this blog article you have missed at least one opportunity to talk to another person, you are noticing a sensation under your right foot now... you feel the skin under the ball of your foot .. right.... now.  (Feel it?) and while you are still breathing as I predicted at the beginning of this paragraph, the manner of your breathing has changed.  Right?

Prediction number 4.

Again, a simple parlor trick that uses your focus to bring things to your attention even if they were going to happen anyway.

Where is the best part of knowing the future?

It is in the fact that we shape our future every day by the things we focus on, the actions we take and the people we ask to join our lives.  Almost anyone's life could be predicted by an objective and knowledgeable unbiased observer yet we all think we are "special".

Leave a question that you would like solved by Toosdays Prophet in the comments below.  Just don't expect it to shake the earth.  Life is really pretty simple.

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